
Refinery Effluents - Ballast Water Treatment

The WATERSAFE technology provides a solution to the complex problem of treating maritime or other contaminated water, as well as contaminated soil.

Until today, the management of hydrocarbon - contaminated water is confined in concentrating and subjecting it to centrifugation, while the management of soils, in their mere concentration in appropriate storage areas. Through centrifugation, it is impossible to achieve concentrations of hydrocarbons in the water lower than 5 ppm, with its disposal still remaining an ecological problem, due to the cumulative action, as it happens in oil rigs and refineries.

The patented WATERSAFE electro-chemical treatment method, utilizes an also patented electrode to produce powerful oxidants and achieve the on-stream oxidation of the hydrocarbons, making it feasible both in small and large flows.

The method ensures the decomposition of the hydrocarbons, at a level suitable for disposal in the environment, based on international standards.

The transfer of pollution and non-indigenous species through ballast water and their introduction in new aquatic environments, is a major ecological problem, according to the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The conventional ballast water treatment methods have failed to prevent this reality.

The application of WATERSAFE A.O.P. technology, sterilizes ballast water with comparative advantages. Before being discharged in the new aquatic system, Ballast water passes through an electrode resulting the total destruction of organic compounds, organisms and generally any pollutant, with 100% effacement of all pathogens in analytical scale log10-6 (sterilization), while there is no presence of THM at the outlet.

Tank manufacturers refuse to provide warranty against oxidation, when the concentration of oxidants exceeds 5mg/l, a concentration which fails to disinfect ballast water. Due to the unique, patent protected, capability of the WATERSAFE method to perform the treatment on de-ballasting, the ship tanks and pipes are not aggravated, while gasses are not accumulated inside the tanks. The method has a low volumetric footprint and the adjustment at different salt concentrations of ballast, salty and brackish, is fully automated, maintaining always the same sterilizing capability.

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