


Onflow is a highly specialized company in the fields of pipeline integrity, modification, maintenance and repair. It is considered as one of the most expert vendors in the Balkans for the aforementioned segments of the pipeline industry.

The company is headquartered in Thessaloniki, strategically positioned to serve the Greek and all the neighboring Balkan markets.

Onflow’s aim is to correspond to the needs of the pipeline operators and contractors with high quality products and services, professionalism and customer oriented approach. The company is committed to offer top quality services only, by deploying its highly trained, certified and experienced personnel, while using products and equipment by the most recognized manufacturers in the world, always in line with the international standards and regulations.

Onflow’s services are in line with the QA/QC requirements of the ISO 9001 system it has adopted. 

Whenever there is a requirement for an intervention to a pipeline network, either this is an extension, branch connection, re-routing or gear addition, pipeline maintenance, commissioning or decommissioning, Onflow can contribute with a practical and efficient technical solution. As pipeline integrity is always of outmost importance, Onflow provides in line inspection services, integrity management systems, water and gas leak detection. Adequate pipeline maintenance and repair is crucial as well as challenging. Onflow combines the best industry practices with technical competence and top quality products.

All of these services are provided either on-stream or off-stream, on land or subsea.

Among its strong international partnerships, Onflow is the sole Representation and  Service Center of the T.D. Williamson group for the markets of Greece, F.Y.R. Macedonia and Cyprus.

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